Tools and Hardware

Jewelry Tools
Our range of jewelry tools includes Diamond Cutting Machines, Beading Tools, Diamond Holder, Diamond Cutting Tools, Diamonds Cutter, Diamond Tools, Diamond Segment, Diamond Tweezer, and many more. We manufacture tools such as Honing Sticks, Eye Loupes, Ring Sizer, Jewellery Machine Tools, Jewelry Pliers, Jewelry Loupes, and other such tools.

Hand Tools
We supply and import hand tools such as Bending Tools, Axes, chisels, Vises, Clamps, Concrete Tools, Cutting Tools, Crimping tools, Dispensing Equipment, Forming Tools, Electric Tools, and more.
We offer tools like Nailer, Hammers, Hacksaw, Heat Guns, Impact Sockets, Hydraulic Torque Wrenches, Machetes, Industrial Brushes, Mallets, Machine Vice, Metal Forming Tools, Measuring Tools, etc.
Additionally, we have Pliers, Plastering Tools, Polishing Tools, Power Hand Tools, Punching Tools, Pulling Tools, Screwdrivers, Sharpening Tools, Sealing Tools, Spanners, Swaging Tools, Stud Tighteners, are some notable examples.
Further, we offer Tool Boxes, Tool Attachments, Tool Cabinets, wrecking bars, Tool Holder, Drivers, and Wrenches.

Industrial Tools
We manufacture different industrial tools such as Armatures, Abrasive Tools, Engineering Component, Engineering Tool, Civil Engineering Equipment, etc.

Cutting Tools
We produce cutting tools such as Band Saw Blades, auger flight, Bandsaw Machine, Bench Grinder, Broaches, Boring Tools, Counterbores, Carbide Cutting Tools, Circular Saw Blades, Carbide Tools, and many more.
Along with this, we offer tools such as Cutting Wheel, Cut Off Blades, Diamond Saw Blade, Diamond Grinding Wheel, Drilling Tools, Gear Shaper Cutters, Gear Cutting Tools, Granulator Blades, Glass Cutters, and more.
Our import and export also include Hobbing Cutter, Hacksaw Blades, HSS Cutting Tools, Industrial Blades, Industrial Knives, Metal Band Saw Blades, Industrial Bolt Cutters, Industrial Saws, Knurling Tools, Knife Blades, etc.
Some other tools in this category are Milling Cutters, Metal Cutting Tools, Pipe Cutting Tools, Punches, Razor Knives, spiral blades, Power Hacksaw Blades, Reamers, Shaper Cutter, Saw Blades, Shears, and more. Further, we also produce Stripping Tools, Wood Cutting Tools, Stone Cutting Tools, Surgical Blades, Wire Cutters, Threading Tools, and many others.

Carpentry Tools
We supply and manufacture the carpentry tools such as Edge Banding, Woodworking Vice, Craft Tools, Hand Saws, Wood Saw, Vernier Calipers, and more.
At NavZeal, we travel that extra mile to offer our customers essential hardware and tools that they use in their day-to-day lives, ensuring the best quality and above all a standard price for all products.